Friday, August 30, 2013

Sunday Sept 8

I have a conflict and can not make this rehearsal.

Tuesday, August 27, 2013

Absent this Thursday (8-29)...

This is Katherine O.  I'll be absent from this Thursday's rehearsal (Thursday, 8-29).

August 27

Turkey Girl (aka Giguette) has a mandatory FFA meeting tonight so she will be late to rehearsal but she will be there!


August 28

I have a scheduled work appt and will not be able to attend vocal rehearsal this Wednesday. Brenda Lindley

Monday, August 26, 2013

Thursday 8/29 and Tuesday Nights

I already talked to Peter about all of these conflicts but I am posting this just as a reminder.  I will not be at rehearsal on this Thursday as I will be in LA to see family for Labor Day weekend.  Also I will not be at Tuesday night rehearsals due to a school conflict.  And.... (last one I promise :)...I will be a little late to any Mon/Wed rehearsals because I have class until 6:50pm in Folsom.  :)


Sunday, August 25, 2013

Aug 28 , 2013 wednesday

Kelsi and kim havercroft will not be able to attend this wednesday vocal rehersal.

Saturday, August 24, 2013

Thursdays between now and sept 21

Jennifer jackson cannot make any thursday rehearsals until after sept. 21st.  She is performing in a concert on the 21st and rehearsals are on thursdays.  She committed to the concert and rehearsal dates when these thursdays were clear.

September 22 - September 30

Erick Lindley will be out of town 9/22 - 9/30 as I have to go to New York for work. I might just have to go see "The Book of Mormon" and "Once" while I'm there.  :-)

August 25th - August 29th

Erick Lindley will be out of town the week of August 25th due to a work-related business trip.  (reposted from a few weeks ago).  It's possible I will make the 8/29 rehearsal.

Friday, August 23, 2013

August 24

Im videotaping a wedding.

Thursday, August 22, 2013

9/10, 9/11

I am out of the country


Wednesday, August 21, 2013

August 28 - September 1, September 4,5,13,14, and October 9

Aug 28 - Sept 1 = This is no longer a conflict
Sept 4,5,13,14 = These are Jewish High Holy Days - I will be in synagogue
Oct 9 - This is a conflict and I will not be at rehearsal

Monday, August 19, 2013

Is there an updated schedule somewhere on this blog?

I feel like I am caught unaware of some of the schedule changes, and want to be sure Christopher does not miss any rehearsals. Is there a posted updated schedule somewhere?

Saturday, August 17, 2013

Sept 19

Ben Kiekhaefer's family had made previous plans for Sept 19 based on the 'old' rehearsal schedule - he unfortunately cannot make it this night, but looks forward to all the other rehearsals with enthusiasm!

Friday, August 16, 2013

Reminder Lindsey, David & Terri Thomas gone this weekend 16-18th!

Off to Monterrey to see Les Mis at Monterrey Peninsula College.

Thursday, August 15, 2013

18AUG ACT II review

Jeff and Jennifer Jackson will be unable to attend this rehearsal due to a prior commitment. 
September 29

I had committed to this and then failed to add it to my calendar.  I'm sorry.
Feeling better--way-- and will see everyone Friday night.

Wednesday, August 14, 2013

Susan Felton will not attend rehearsal tonight due to illness.

August 14th

Chrissie Addison, after tolerating an overly-agressive physical therapy session, will be home with left foot up, reviewing her score for Friday and reading awesome character sheets from the cast.

Tuesday, August 13, 2013

August 18th & 19th

Brenda and Erick Lindley made previous plans to be out of town on 8/18 & 8/19.

Amanda A - 8/18 and 9/15 Schedule Change Conflicts

I will not be able to make the schedule changed dates of 8/18 and 9/15 due to prior commitments.

August 14 - Anneke Rorden

Not sure if kids are needed for the 14th (song 15?), but we have a meeting that night and won't be able to get Anneke to rehearsal.  Also, I believe I heard that kids are not needed tonight (13th)--please let me know if I heard incorrectly. Thanks!

Thursday, August 8, 2013

Aug. 16th conflict

Will can't make the gala on the 16th, we have a prior family commitment that night.  Sorry and best of luck!

Wednesday, August 7, 2013

Saturday August 10th.

Jason Bermudes has to work that day and won't make practice.

October 5-9 Carlson's will be away on a family trip

August 10 and 13

Tamalisa may have to miss the "Turning" rehearsal (sorry I thought the rehearsal was moved to Sunday, but it must have been just "Lovely Ladies." I also have a board meeting on Tues Aug 13 so I can't make the Act 1 review. I'll try to come after the meeting if there's time

August 25th - August 29th

Erick Lindley will be out of town the week of August 25th due to a work-related business trip.

Saturday, August 3, 2013

Gigutte's mom did it again . .  double booked her this time with a ticket to see The King and I on Tuesday 08/06 so she will not be at rehearsal .. . sorry

Friday, August 2, 2013

hi! it's Tim. I'm in the pit chorus for "At The End of the Day", but I won't be able to make it to this Saturday's afternoon rehearsal because I have work until 4:30

Meg Dockter will not be at rehearsal on Sat August 2

We will be visiting with my brother who is visiting from Massachusetts.